
Hello and welcome to my third and final attempt to start a blog. To be honest, the hardest part has been choosing what tool to use to build and maintain the blog itself. I’ve been so inundated with The Next Big Thingโ„ข in static site generators that I never actually got started on the writing part. That didn’t seem right. I’ve tried to keep things as simple as possible. This is stock Jekyll with no bells or whistles to get things started on the right foot.
If you spend most of your time in the command line, you don’t want to leave to do math. Qc is a script that does in-line command line math without forcing you to exit the main bash prompt as you might with a program like bc or a language interpreter. #!/bin/bash python -c "print $1" Make the script executable with the command: $ chmod +x qc.sh Alias it to qc by editing the .