When deploying software with Kubernetes, you need to expose a liveness HTTP request in the application. The Kubernetes default liveness HTTP endpoint is /healthz, which seems to be a Google convention, z-pages. A lot of Kubernetes deployments won’t rely on the defaults. Here is an example Kubernetes pod configuration for a liveness check at <ip>:8080/health: apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: liveness-http spec: containers: - name: liveness image: k8s.gcr.io/liveness args: - /server livenessProbe: httpGet: path: "/health" port: 8080 initialDelaySeconds: 3 periodSeconds: 3 When setting up a new app to be deployed on Kubernetes, ideally, the liveness endpoint is defined in a service scaffold (this is company and framework dependent), but in the case it isn’t, you just need to add a simple HTTP handler for the route configured in the yaml file.
Given the following make target .PHONY: my_target my_target: @python scripts/my_script.py $(arg) one can the argument with an argument in the following manner make my_target arg=my_arg I used this approach to run a python script to create the file for this post make til p=make/pass-arg-to-target for the following make target .PHONY: til til: @python scripts/til.py $(p) It’s also possible to prepend the variable p=make/pass-arg-to-target make til
I learned about skhd recently, actually after coming across the yabai project. I’ve been toying with the idea of moving away from Hammerspoon for my hotkey and window management, so I took the opportunity to explore skhd as a possible alternative. Initial setup To get started on macOS, I followed the guide in the project README. First, I installed skhd via brew. brew install koekeishiya/formulae/skhd The instructions say to start the service immediately with
I used open-interpreter to read an epub file and create a DIY audio book. Open-interpreter suggested that I use the bs4 and ebooklib libraries. It recommended an API to create audio files from text, but I was easily able to switch this out for the free and local alternative, say on macOS. As I worked (let the model write code), it was easier to copy the code to a separate file and make modifications.
There is a website I log into often that I protect with 2FA. One thing that bothers me about this process is that the 2FA screen does not immediately focus to the input, so I can immediately start entering my 2FA code. Today, I tackled that problem. The most recent experience I’ve had writing userscripts was with a closed source browser extension. A few minutes of search and I discovered Violentmonkey, an open source option with no tracking software.
I usually use tail -n +2 to get all the first line of a file but today I learned you can also accomplish the same task with sed '1d' Both also work for removing more than just the first line of an input. To remove the first three lines sed '1,3d' is equivalent to tail -n +4 It seems like tail is recommended for larger files though, since it doesn’t process the entire file.
A spot where I slipped up in trying to adopt Temporal in an existing Python project and then again in starting a new Python project was in defining a Workflow that invokes an Activity that calls a third party library. Temporal outputs an error message with a long stacktrace that I vaguely understood but didn’t immediately know the solution to ... raise RestrictedWorkflowAccessError(f"{self.name}.{name}") temporalio.worker.workflow_sandbox._restrictions.RestrictedWorkflowAccessError: Cannot access http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.responses from inside a workflow.
I wanted to stop the Obsidian editor cursor from blinking. Something like VS Code’s { "editor.cursorBlinking": "solid" } Some searching turned up an option to solve this problem in Vim mode using CSS, but in insert mode, the cursor still blinks. Eventually, I came across a macOS-based approach to solve this issue on StackExchange, included here for convenience defaults write -g NSTextInsertionPointBlinkPeriod -float 10000 defaults write -g NSTextInsertionPointBlinkPeriodOn -float 10000 defaults write -g NSTextInsertionPointBlinkPeriodOff -float 10000 After running, restart Obsidian and the cursor no longer blinks.
Cursor is VS Code with Cmd+K that opens a text box that can do text generation based on a prompt. When I created this post, I first typed insert hugo yaml markdown frontmatter In a few seconds, the editor output --- title: "Cursor Introduction" date: 2023-08-12T20:00:00-04:00 draft: false tags: - cursor - intro --- This was almost exactly what I was looking for except the date was not quite right, so I corrected that and accepted the generation.
The problem with long running code in Next serverless functions The current design paradigm at the time of this writing is called App Router. Next.js and Vercel provide a simple mechanism for writing and deploying cloud functions that expose HTTP endpoints for your frontend site to call. However, sometimes you want to asynchronously do work on the backend in a way that doesn’t block a frontend caller, needs to move on.